Birthday Whaleshark'O'Gram for the Captain
Garr! Today be a day of surprises, for me. First I was surprised to find myself a day older, but some cruel bugger had added a year to my age. Damn em for a cur, I'll have em flogged afore this day be over. Then me wench an bairn decided to give me a lovely rendition of 'Happy Birthday to you' at 06:45 before I was infused with my religious morning coffee. Gruds Bless em. And here I be skippering the good ship 'Vicious Guppy' on our way to one of the best presents a crusty Sea Rover could get for his Birthday. Below be Your Captain and his SDI Open Water Scuba Diver students and fellow Whaleshark'O'Gram spotters. Left to Right, Sabine Fuchs-Schlegel, Captain Paul, Kevin Duhr and self proclaimed, just call me 'Whaleshark Girl' Laura Schlegel. Imagine the last dive of your SDI Open Water Scuba Diver course your swimming with a baby whaleshark. How cool is that? Here is Laura getting kitted up little knowing what the dive finale had install for all of ...