
Showing posts from March, 2009

Birthday Whaleshark'O'Gram for the Captain

Garr! Today be a day of surprises, for me. First I was surprised to find myself a day older, but some cruel bugger had added a year to my age. Damn em for a cur, I'll have em flogged afore this day be over. Then me wench an bairn decided to give me a lovely rendition of 'Happy Birthday to you' at 06:45 before I was infused with my religious morning coffee. Gruds Bless em. And here I be skippering the good ship 'Vicious Guppy' on our way to one of the best presents a crusty Sea Rover could get for his Birthday. Below be Your Captain and his SDI Open Water Scuba Diver students and fellow Whaleshark'O'Gram spotters. Left to Right, Sabine Fuchs-Schlegel, Captain Paul, Kevin Duhr and self proclaimed, just call me 'Whaleshark Girl' Laura Schlegel. Imagine the last dive of your SDI Open Water Scuba Diver course your swimming with a baby whaleshark. How cool is that? Here is Laura getting kitted up little knowing what the dive finale had install for all of ...

Crew Pics

Some crew photo's The boys who make it all possible and show you the critters. Let here it for the boys, boys! The Captain


Also By Judith, a photo of Dolphins on the way to Menjangan. Not uncommon, but its rare anyone gets a decent picture :-) The Captain

Photos by Judith & Walter

Ok, Mainly photos by Judith. Judith and Walter just spent a few days diving with us and out of the hundreds of photo's taken I chose these as they showed a couple of things even I hadn't seen yet. (not fair) Photos where taken in Pemuteran area and Menjangan Island. Thanks for sharing The Captain