
Showing posts from October, 2012

Westward Bound & Warty Frogfish

Westward Bound & Warty Frogfish Flickr slide of some of me pics.

Mucky Pirate Nights

Mucky Pirates Nights The infamous DiveMaster Wayan prepares to lure two more souls into the joys of night diving ‘Mucky Pirates Bay’.  Poor Nick and Melissa’s lives will never be the same again. Garr!!!!

Saltwater Crocs

Mated pair of Saltwater Crocs Pemuteran wildlife Recently spotted basking in the shade of a coastal hibiscus on the beach in front of Sea Rovers were this obviously mated pair of Saltwater Crocs. Note the colouring which helps to differentiate between the male and female of the species. The Captain :-P