Nasty Nemo hits the water and shows us what's she can do.

Pelan Pelan, satu, dua, tiga and PUSH!

My grud. She floats. Now thats what I call an auspicious start to this endeavour :-)

The Captain and Mister Tony, (Bali Mercury, supplier of fine engines and chandeler to Pirates :-) slowly taking her out of the bay

Lets open her up and race the wind.

A bunch of happy boys with their new toy. Left to Right, Captain Sahari (now captain of the Nasty Nemo), Captain Abdul (in training for Divemaster), Captain Tony (owner of Bali Mercury, long time friend and our engine supplier), First Mechanic Ratmon (Bali Mercury) and Myself, Captain Paul M Turley, at your service.

She still needs a canopy and some lifevests but other than than she's ready to cruise at a very comfortable rate of knots, the waters of Pemuteran, North West Bali and perhaps beyond.

The Captain


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