Update for Menjangan Island fans

Taman National Bali Barat or TNBB will finally be implementing new "Activity fees" as of the 1st of February 2012. These fees represent a 350% increase on the original entry fee. (which stays in place).

Original Entry Fee: Tourist Price - 20,000Rps, Local Price - 2,500Rps (unchanged)

New additional costs (previously no charge)
Divers: Tourist Price - 75,000Rps, Local Price - 50,000Rps
Snorkelers: Tourist Price - 60,000Rps, Local Price - 40,000Rps

Other amusing additions
Using a Video Camera: Tourist Price - 150,000Rps, Local Price - 15,000Rps
Taking Photo's: Tourist Price - 50,000Rps, Local Price - 5,000Rps

These are amongst the 36 new tickets for various activities professional and tourist, introduced to TNBB. (36 new ticket books printed on paper, just an environmental observation
As a business its going to be interesting, where before we had 2 ticket books, we now have to carry 10. We also now have new and additional  boat entrance/parking fees on top of our original costs.

Sea Rovers has always supported the TNBB and will continue to run trips into the national park, plus support those in the park who care about it. Having worked with the guys at the TNBB for many years I know that some feel the system was already flawed. According to the wardens, of the substantial revenue already generated by TNBB only a small amount (30%) returns to TNBB to cover operational costs the rest goes to Jakarta.

From our point of view we of course understand concepts like increased running costs, maintenance, inflation etc, and at the same time feel that a 350% increase in price is substantial and would like to think that it will lead to an improvement in facilities or conditions in the park such as removal of rubbish from the beaches around the park (there is no indication this will be the case). Many of the wardens in the national park feel that the new system is wrong and will have a detrimental effect for TNBB. Such a substantial increase will actually discourage people from going to the Park, especially tour operators.
And we will wait and see, it may lead to a better diving experience for those that choose to go, not that the Island is crowded by any means. 

BTW Our suggestion  in consultation meetings was to increase the basic entry fee say to:- Tourist Price - 50,000Rps, Local Price - 25,000Rps, and not charge people for taking photo's on holiday.

If you feel you would like to comment then please feel free to write to the National Park at tnbb09@gmail.com

As for Sea Rovers guests, well most of you already knew that this was coming, if you followed the blog & facebook that is :-). Its been on the cards for a year now (though the figures were not known) and every email that went out with packages or info had this in it all last year

"*as of 1st January 2011 due to changes at the National Park (Menjangan Island), additional activity fees maybe required. These additional fees will be payable on-site and have yet to be finalized by TNBB."

Well its finally happened, so if you wish to go to Menjangan Island after the 1st of February 2012 expect to pay an additional 95,000rps per diver and 80,000Rps per snorkeler.


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